3 List of the Best Universities in Aceh 2024, Which Campus is Your Choice?

List of the Best Universities in Aceh 2024, Which Campus is Your Choice? – Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam or commonly known as Aceh is a province located in the northernmost part of Sumatra Island and in the westernmost part of Indonesia. Aceh also has a large population and it is not surprising that several educational facilities such as universities are easy to find in this city. The following are a number of universities in Aceh that you can use as a reference if you want to continue your education in Aceh. Read the article carefully, okay!

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Recommendations for the Latest Universities in Aceh

Syiah Kuala University

Syiah Kuala University or often referred to as USK may be familiar to the people of Aceh. Syiah Kuala University was founded in 1961 and is the largest and oldest campus in Banda Aceh, friends. That way, USK Aceh also often receives awards and achievements in various fields. One of them is successfully achieving second place as the best university in Sumatra. There are several faculties that you can choose from, including the Faculty of Economics, Law, Social and Political Sciences, Medicine, Dentistry, Teacher Training and Education, Engineering, Nursing, Agriculture, and many more.

Ar Raniry State Islamic University Banda Aceh

Ar Raniry State Islamic University Aceh is one of the Islamic state campuses in Aceh. This campus was established in 1960, previously named the Ar Raniry State Islamic Institute of Aceh. At its inception, this university only had two faculties, namely the faculty of tarbiyah and sharia. A number of faculties on this campus are, Adab and Humanities, Da’wah and Communication, Islamic Economics and Business, Social Sciences, and many more.

Malikussaleh University

Malikussaleh University or often abbreviated as UNIMAL is one of the State Universities in Aceh which was established on June 12, 1969. There are several faculties that you can choose from if you want to continue your education at UNIMAL. Some of the faculties on this campus include the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics and Business, and Faculty of Teacher Training.

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